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PolyU launches Tourist Satisfaction guide to determine the fulfillment level of tourists

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has beginned the PolyU Tourist Satisfaction Index (PolyU TSI) today (December 17) to estimate the approval point of inbound tourists in countries and regions.

Spearheaded by Professor Haiyan Song, chair professor of Tourism and associate director of SHTM, this original scheme aims to plug in the gaps by creating a complete system, which will give authorities anxious and industry workers with much-needed in order for decision creation and preparation purposes. The research project is maintained by the Niche Area Research of PolyU.

The guide was compiled standed on interviews of 3,000 respondents from a wide range of countries and regions. According to Professor Song, “We have put the focus of the empirical study on Hong Kong, where tourism has been seen as one of the major economic pillars. The project has currently produced satisfaction indices for the seven important regional source markets of the six tourism-related sectors in Hong Kong.”

Some cities inside the Pearl River Delta Region, with Macau and Shenzhen, also confirm importance in using the guide to charge their power as a tourism destination. Of particular interest to Hong Kong will be the aptitude to target the limited indices against those of further destinations. The range of this project is likely to develop in the future.

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